Sacramento DUI Info

Suspected Drunk Driver Killed a Rapper

Dewayne Coleman – popular rapper who was also known as MC Supreme – was killed by a person suspected of driving under the influence. Coleman was with his female passenger, sitting in the parked car, when a pickup truck hit them. Coleman’s car then flipped over and fell on the embankment above the beach. The female passenger was also injured in the crash. The pickup truck went on and slammed into yet another parked vehicle. The driver of the pickup truck was only slightly injured and was afterwards for suspicion of driving under the influence and vehicular manslaughter. While the whole situation was nothing less than tragic, the public’s reaction to it was quite interesting and a bit controversial. Of course, when something like this happens, the first response is purely emotional. Yet, some people are going too far, saying that the suspect should have died in the accident and...

Marijuana Driving: Now Legal In California

We all live in a modern society that is slowly and yet inevitably getting rid of all the superstitions as well as prejudice. However, some things still remain unclear. For instance, why are alcoholic beverages as well as cigarettes that contain nicotine are available in just about every store, whereas cannabis that is far from being as detrimental as the above-mentioned substances, is still mostly illegal. After all, alcohol consumption does not only ruin one’s life – it easily ruins the lives of his friends and loved ones. And nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs out there and one that will not let you go easily. On the other hand, we have cannabis. Sure, it has psychotropic effects, but it will not send you to Valhalla, unlike alcohol and will not destroy your lungs completely like nicotine. One way or the other, the recent news are actually booming...

Preliminary Hearing And Everything You Need To Know About It

Before you are going to get to the trial, you are going to go to the preliminary hearing. This basically implies that you are going the trial that will take place before the actual trial. During the time of that hearing, the judge will not be establishing if you are guilty or not. The preliminary hearing is meant to discover if there is enough evidence to go to the trial in the first place. The judge is going to use the so-called “probable cause” standards in order to determine if the case is eligible for the trial. There has to be enough evidence to present to the jury. Hence, the judge will need to review all the evidence that is going to be provided by the prosecutor. It is the job of the prosecutor to demonstrate that there is evidence pointing out the need for the case to proceed to...

Dealing With Serious Traffic Violations

Sure enough, seeing just how many vehicles are driving around the roads and highways all over the nation, it is only natural that traffic violations occur every single day. Hence, it is very important, vital even, to know about the types of traffic violations as well as the most effective ways to protect yourself from them, especially in case you or your loved ones are facing some genuinely serious charges. With that said, traffic violations have but a single purpose – to protect people from unsafe driving by penalizing them for endangering themselves or people around them. Practice shows that people are less inclined to commit such violations in case they are fearful of getting caught. And vice versa – people are not hesitant to violate traffic regulations in case they are certain that the police will not get them. Here are some examples of the types of traffic violations...

Prescription Drugs In The Modern Society

Illegal drugs were always deemed as somewhat of a curse of the lower class members of the modern society. People are used to believe that these drugs are used only by those individuals, who have very poor living conditions and by those who no longer may be considered people at all. Well, it is pretty ironic, seeing how the drugs that are now being deemed as illegal were sold in pharmacies all over the nation only over a century ago. That is right – cocaine, morphine, heroine – all of those terrible, detrimental as well as habit forming drugs were used as painkillers and nerve calmers. Doctors used to prescribe those drugs to a large number of patients and their side effects were all considered relatively few and mild. Then again, there was time when the doctors were sure that cigarette smoking helps you in clearing the lungs. As a...

What You Need To Know About DUI In Sacramento, California

The long and hard day is finally over, so you are driving your car home dreaming about how you are going to fall asleep in your bed. You take a quick look in the rear view window. A police car is appearing from some distance. Of course, the very first thing that you are going to do is checking your speed. Well, nothing wrong here – you are not surpassing the allowed speed limit. Still, you do not want to leave the things to chance, so you put both hands on the wheel. You were not texting while driving, you have a hands free phone in the car. Everything seems to be fine, so there is absolutely no reason to worry about anything. Yet, you have forgotten to fix the broken taillight and you only realize it when the police car start signaling you with flickering lights. While you are...

Is Increasing the Number of DUI Checkpoints in Sacramento Will Be an Effective Solution?

No doubt driving under the influence of alcohol or any kind of illegal substances is never a good idea. Aside from the fact that you are going to be endangering your life and the life of your passengers, you are also going to be posing a threat to all the drivers around you and their passengers as well. With that said, the official statistical data is sadly offering very disturbing numbers. Sacramento DUI accidents are on the rise as more and more people these days are neglecting their safety and the safety of others around them and are more interested in driving while impaired than ever before. They are not even frightened by the possible legal consequences. Speaking of which – DUI crimes, no matter whether it is a misdemeanor or felony, are punishable by some harsh legal penalties. That is right – in case you or your loved ones were...

Tom Hanks And Rita Wilson Were Charged For Their Son’s DUI

One of the most popular and talented actors in Hollywood, Tom Hanks, along with his wife Rita Wilson were recently charged for a rear-end collision. However, this is not the most peculiar thing – the most interesting thing is the fact that the actor and his wife were not directly involved in the accident at all. They were charged for their son’s DUI. The plaintiff himself, Terry Moogan, has filed all the necessary court papers against Tom Hanks and his wife, claiming that they were negligent and in their negligence allowed their son, Chet Hanks, to driver their vehicle. This is despite the fact that they knew that Chet was a known alcohol as well as drug abuser. Hence, the suit is basically indicating that Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson knew that their son Chet is a drug user and abuses alcohol, but negligently permitted him to drive their car...

Sacramento DUI And Expected Consequences

Lots of people consider that DUI is actually a minor crime and that the law enforcement authorities are going to treat it as such. Well, this is where they are wrong – the police is very unforgiving when it comes to the DUI offenders, due to the ever rising number of Sacramento DUI accidents on the roads all over the nation. With that said, getting behind the wheel while being intoxicated is a very bad idea to begin with. Such a driver is going to pose a real threat to all the drivers around him, his passengers as well as the pedestrians. However, this does not stop some people from committing the crime. Well, perhaps some more information on the possible Sacramento DUI consequences will sober some people up. The very first thing that the arresting officer is going to do after he or she will establish that you were in...

DUI And Breathalyzer Tests In Sacramento

If the law enforcement officer has reasons to believe that you were operating your vehicle under the influence of alcohol, he or she will have the right to ask you to submit yourself to a breathalyzer test that will test out your BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) levels. The testing process itself is quite straightforward – all you will have to do is breathe in a special tube twice with a two minute interval between the tests. During this interval the breathalyzer is going to run a so-called dummy test in order to clean up any residual alcohol from the device. Two readings from the breathalyzer are consequently averaged into a single result, which ensures accuracy. In case the breathalyzer is indicating that your BAC equals or surpasses .08%, the law enforcement officer will have every right to arrest you for driving under the influence of alcohol. The breathalyzer was invented more than...
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